Created in 2008 with funding from the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation, Smart Beginnings Central Virginia began as a local systems-building initiative, bringing key stakeholders together to identify and address the needs of children and families. Over the next several years, a strong regional network was built that continues to partner and collaborate with BBCV.
In 2021, as the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation moved into new phases of growth and development, the Smart Beginnings brand was discontinued and a new, nine-region structure was formed. We changed our name to Bright Beginnings Central Virginia, continuing to serve the greater-Lynchburg area, and are a part of the Ready Regions statewide initiative. BBCV is part of Ready Region Southside, led by the Center for Early Success.
The Bright Beginnings CV mission hasn’t changed. We are committed to ensuring that all children are supported as they get ready to enter kindergarten – recognizing that kindergarten readiness begins at birth! We continue to unite a network to build a strong childcare system.